# Prebid JS

Go to prebid js download (opens new window) page, select Bidder Adapters OperaAds and User ID Module Unified ID,SharedID*,PubCommon ID, then click Get Prebid.js

# Change Log

  1. Init version, integrated in prebid.js v5.6
  2. Non-USD currency support, integrated in prebid.js v5.12
  3. User sync support, integrated in prebid.js v5.20

# Supported Creative Types

  1. Display Ads(Banner)

  2. Native Ads

  3. Video Ads

    • Instream

    • Outstream

# Bid Parameters

Name Scope Type Description Example
placementId required String The Placement Id provided by Opera Ads. s5340077725248
endpointId required String The Endpoint Id provided by Opera Ads. ep3425464070464
publisherId required String The Publisher Id provided by Opera Ads. pub3054952966336
currency optional String or String[] Currency. USD
bcat optional String or String[] The bcat value. IAB9-31

# Bid Video Parameters

Set these parameters to bid.mediaTypes.video.

Name Scope Type Description Example
context optional String instream or outstream. instream
mimes optional String[] Content MIME types supported. ['video/mp4']
playerSize optional Number[] or Number[][] Video player size in device independent pixels [[640, 480]]
protocols optional Number[] Array of supported video protocls. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
startdelay optional Number Indicates the start delay in seconds for pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll ad placements. 0
skip optional Number Indicates if the player will allow the video to be skipped, where 0 = no, 1 = yes. 1
playbackmethod optional Number[] Playback methods that may be in use. [2]
delivery optional Number[] Supported delivery methods. [1]
api optional Number[] List of supported API frameworks for this impression. [1, 2, 5]

# Bid Native Parameters

Set these parameters to bid.nativeParams or bid.mediaTypes.native.

Name Scope Type Description Example
title optional Object Config for native asset title. {required: true, len: 25}
image optional Object Config for native asset image. {required: true, sizes: [[300, 250]], aspect_ratios: [{min_width: 300, min_height: 250, ratio_width: 1, ratio_height: 1}]}
icon optional Object Config for native asset icon. {required: true, sizes: [[60, 60]], aspect_ratios: [{min_width: 60, min_height: 60, ratio_width: 1, ratio_height: 1}]}}
sponsoredBy optional Object Config for native asset sponsoredBy. {required: true, len: 20}
body optional Object Config for native asset body. {required: true, len: 200}
cta optional Object Config for native asset cta. {required: true, len: 20}

# Example Parameters

var adUnits = [{
  code: 'banner-ad-div',
  mediaTypes: {
    banner: {
      sizes: [[300, 250]]
  bids: [{
    bidder: 'operaads',
    params: {
      placementId: 's5732651204928',
      endpointId: 'ep5732673449728',
      publisherId: 'pub5732583002624'

# Video Ads

var adUnits = [{
  code: 'video-ad-div',
  mediaTypes: {
    video: {
      context: 'instream',
      playerSize: [640, 480],
      mimes: ['video/mp4'],
      protocols: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
      playbackmethod: [2],
      skip: 1
  bids: [{
    bidder: 'operaads',
    params: {
      placementId: 's5732651204928',
      endpointId: 'ep5732673449728',
      publisherId: 'pub5732583002624'

For video ads, enable prebid cache.

  cache: {
    url: 'https://prebid.adnxs.com/pbc/v1/cache'

# Native Ads

var adUnits = [{
  code: 'native-ad-div',
  mediaTypes: {
    native: {
      title: { required: true, len: 75  },
      image: { required: true, sizes: [[300, 250]] },
      body: { len: 200  },
      sponsoredBy: { len: 20 }
  bids: [{
    bidder: 'operaads',
    params: {
      placementId: 's5732651204928',
      endpointId: 'ep5732673449728',
      publisherId: 'pub5732583002624'

Make sure the bidfloorprice is set to zero, then the example paramters above will get test ads returned.

# User Ids

Opera Ads Bid Adapter uses sharedId, pubcid or tdid, please config at least one.

  userSync: {
    userIds: [{
      name: 'sharedId',
      storage: {
        name: '_sharedID', // name of the 1st party cookie
        type: 'cookie',
        expires: 30