# OperaAds Deeplink Integration Guide

A deep link is a specialized uniform resource identifier (URI) that can open and direct a user to a specific location inside an app and not the home screen. Think of it as the app counterparts of website URLs. They are used to send app users directly to specific in-app locations, thus saving them time and energy finding a particular page themselves. We will add deeplink indicator in a bid request, then advertisers can deside whether to use deeplink in the bid response.

# Specification

# Request

Field Type Description
imp.ext.deeplink int 1 means deeplink supported; 0 means deeplink not supported
imp.ext.fallback int 1 means fallback supported; 0 means fallback not supported

# Response

Field Type Description
seatbid.bid.ext.deeplink string deeplink url to delivery
seatbid.bid.ext.fallback string fallback url to delivery

# Sample

# Request (video)

  "id": "00000822d5685e68fc80_9872",
  "imp": [
      "id": "00000822d5685e68fc80_9872",
      "video": {
        "mimes": [
        "maxduration": 20,
        "protocols": [
        "w": 640,
        "h": 360,
        "linearity": 1,
        "skip": 1,
        "sequence": 1,
        "minbitrate": 516,
        "placement": 4
      "displaymanager": "opera",
      "displaymanagerver": "0.0.1",
      "instl": 0,
      "clickbrowser": 0,
      "tagid": "s887400326784",
      "bidfloor": 0.08,
      "bidfloorcur": "USD",
      "secure": 1,
      "exp": 7200,
  "app": {
    "id": "app307992346304",
    "name": "Opera for Android Final",
    "domain": "opera.com",
    "privacypolicy": 1,
    "publisher": {
      "id": "pub236088034304"
    "bundle": "com.opera.browser",
    "storeurl": "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.opera.browser",
    "ver": "74.1.3922.71199"
  "device": {
    "ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 12; TECNO LG7n) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/110.0.5481.192 Mobile Safari/537.36 OPR/74.1.3922.71199",
    "geo": {
      "type": 2,
      "country": "RUS",
      "region": "RU-KIR",
      "city": "Kirov"
    "dnt": 0,
    "lmt": 0,
    "ip": "",
    "devicetype": 4,
    "make": "TECNO",
    "model": "TECNOLG7n",
    "os": "ANDROID",
    "osv": "12",
    "h": 1567,
    "w": 720,
    "js": 1,
    "language": "ru",
    "mccmnc": "250-20",
    "connectiontype": 5
  "user": {
    "id": "511b4522807a7902"
  "at": 1,
  "tmax": 1000,
  "cur": [
  "bcat": [
  "badv": [
  "bapp": [
  "source": {
    "ext": {
      "omidpn": "Opera",
      "omidpv": "omsdk-1.3.16-Opera"
  "regs": {
    "coppa": 0,
    "ext": {
      "gdpr": 0

# Response (video)

Note: click through url in VAST should use fallback URL, not deeplink URL

  "cur": "USD",
  "id": "00000822d5685e68fc80_9872",
  "seatbid": [
      "bid": [
          "adid": "33307678101872128",
          "adm": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<VAST version=\"2.0\">...</VAST>",
          "adomain": [
          "attr": [],
          "cat": [],
          "cid": "123456",
          "crid": "456789",
          "ext": {
            "deeplink": "app1://test",
            "fallback": "https://app1.adv1.com/test"
          "id": "701867275380156641",
          "impid": "00000822d5685e68fc80_9872",
          "lurl": "https://t.adv1.com/loss",
          "nurl": "https://t.adv1.com/win",
          "price": 0.0942410625
      "seat": "Adv1"