# OperaAds SKOverlay Integration Guide
# SKOverlay
We now support SKOverlay for video ads on iOS. It is supported with the iOS version of V14+.
# Specification
# Request
Field | Type | Description |
Bidrequest.imp.ext.skadn.skoverlay | int | 1 means skoverlay supported; 0 means skoverlay not supported |
# Response
If you want open SKOverlay for your Video ads,below fields is required in bid response:
Field | Type | Description |
BidResponse.seatbid.bid.ext.skadn.itunesitem | string | bundle id,must have if skoverlay is 1 |
BidResponse.seatbid.bid.ext.skadn.skoverlay | object | skoverlay info |
Fields description of the skoverlay object:
Field | Type | Description |
present | int,default 1 if itunesitem exist, else 0 | should show the SKOverlay 1=yes 0=no. |
delay | int, default 5 | delay in seconds before showing the SKOverlay (0 to 60 seconds) |
dismissible | int, default 1 | should the SKOverlay be dismissable by the user. 1=yes 0=no |
pos | int,default 0 | position of the SKOverlay. 0=bottom 1=bottom raise |
endcarddelay | int,default 0 | delay in seconds before showing the overlay on top of the end card (0-60).Use -1 if you do not want to show the overlay on top of the end card. |
autoclose | int,default 0 | Time in seconds to automatically dismiss the overlay (0-60).Value of 0 means no automatic dismiss |
click | int,default 1 | Fire the click tracking when the overlay is displayed 1=yes 0=mo |
# Sample
# Request
"id": "00000822d5685e68fc80_9872",
"imp": [
"id": "00000822d5685e68fc80_9872",
"video": {
"mimes": [
"maxduration": 20,
"protocols": [
"w": 640,
"h": 360,
"linearity": 1,
"skip": 1,
"sequence": 1,
"minbitrate": 516,
"placement": 4
"displaymanager": "opera",
"displaymanagerver": "0.0.1",
"instl": 0,
"clickbrowser": 0,
"tagid": "s887400326784",
"bidfloor": 0.08,
"bidfloorcur": "USD",
"secure": 1,
"exp": 7200,
"app": {
"id": "app307992346304",
"name": "Opera for Android Final",
"domain": "opera.com",
"privacypolicy": 1,
"publisher": {
"id": "pub236088034304"
"bundle": "com.opera.browser",
"storeurl": "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.opera.browser",
"ver": "74.1.3922.71199"
"device": {
"ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 12; TECNO LG7n) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/110.0.5481.192 Mobile Safari/537.36 OPR/74.1.3922.71199",
"geo": {
"type": 2,
"country": "RUS",
"region": "RU-KIR",
"city": "Kirov"
"dnt": 0,
"lmt": 0,
"ip": "",
"devicetype": 4,
"make": "TECNO",
"model": "TECNOLG7n",
"os": "ANDROID",
"osv": "12",
"h": 1567,
"w": 720,
"js": 1,
"language": "ru",
"mccmnc": "250-20",
"connectiontype": 5
"user": {
"id": "511b4522807a7902"
"at": 1,
"tmax": 1000,
"cur": [
"bcat": [
"badv": [
"bapp": [
"regs": {
"coppa": 0,
"ext": {
"gdpr": 0
# Response
"adm":"...vast xml"